Tuesday, August 6, 2013

❤August 5th 2013❤

So today this morning I woke up at 11:00 with my cousin Cassidy. We walked her dog and then I got dresses so my mom could pick me up. After that we went to get bagels and Jamba Juice. Later I went home and just hung out, played on the computer, and watched TV. Later I started getting ready for dance. Then I went to acro and hip hop after I came home and took a shower. After that I had dinner and then didn't do much. Now I'm writing this. Good night!

Monday, August 5, 2013

❤August 4th 2013❤

 I had a sleepover at Sonia's house last night. It was super fun. So this morning I woke up and we hung out, went on Pinterest, and then got dressed so my dad could take us to the Original Pancake House. I had fresh strawberry crepes and afterwards we went to Bed Bath & Beyond. We messed with the beds and rearranged all the pillows. I also got an ice cream maker. After that I opened the box in the car and found out the recipes in the directions. So we went to the grocery store and bought a BUNCH of ingredients for the ice cream. After we went home and made ice cream. It was super yummy and then after the ice cream we went to the pool. We saw some friends but then afterwards we went to drop off Sonia. After I had dinner and made ice cream for my brother, dad, and my dad's girlfriend. It was even better this time. After dinner I played on the computer and then went to Cassidy's house. Now we're having a sleepover and relaxing.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

❤August 3rd 2013❤

Here is my T-Shirt. Sorry no Instagram
 picture today. :(
Can you tell I love Pretty Little Liars?Here is Sonia's T-Shirt:
So today I didn't do much. I woke up, checked my insta, and went downstairs to play on my laptop, my iPhone, and my iPad. After a while, I got dressed and went to go see Despicable Me 2. After that I went home to pack a bag and then went to Sonia's house. We hung out, made t-shirts, and now were in bed, going on Pinterest on her iPad.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

❤August 2nd 2013❤


Check out my insta, hipstergirl567 to see this Instagram video! Be sure to follow me while your over there!
So today I went to the new Sea World waterpark.(it used to be Soak City) I had SO much fun. There's a lot of water slides and there's a wave pool, a lazy river, SO FUN!!!! I went on one ride five times... Ummm. Ya. That's how fun it was. I was with my family and if your ever in the San Diego area with friends or family totally go there. I LOVED IT!!!
                                -Kisses, Noa

Thursday, August 1, 2013

♥August 1st 2013♥

Click here to see this instagram video of me and my friend today: http://instagram.com/p/cfV21lC682/

Rant Warnings:
None Today!
A Few
A lot...:(

So this morning I woke up in my cousin Cassidy's bedroom realizing that we had a sleepover last night. When we woke up, her older sister Kailey, was already babysitting. At about 11:00 we went to my dad's house for pancakes. (chocolate chip, obvi!) After that she left and I went to my friend Sonia's house. She's on the left of the photo to the left of this. At about 4:30 we went to the CCA farmers market. We had crepes and popsicles. Omigod. DELICIOUS! After that I walked back to my mom's house and she walked home. Later I ate some pasta and now I'm here, writing this.